Well, I have just started a small (8-12 week / 1 resource) project using an unfinished version of our in-house framework for some parts of it. In the process I want to ensure that I integrate some key design patterns (null object, repository, and unit of work) and full unit testing on the service implementation. This will hopefully help alleviate the pain of working with DotNetNuke, cross-application dependencies, and webforms.
So my first step was to property expose services from the dependent application as this is a major point of failure in other systems that use this application, which was pretty straight forward as the application design is not too bad. As this is a shared dependency on the DotNetNuke instance, I did not need to expose this as a WCF service, but could easily change it in the future if necessary. The new service interface will help prevent changes in the core application from breaking the dependent application, as any changes will be reflected as build failures in the service class, highlighting this to the developers and ensuring they either make the change to not break the interface, or let all consumers of this service know there is a breaking update and plan appropriate changes. This is a key issue encountered when services and application references are not well defined, and has caused a number of deployment issues at my current client.
The guts of this post however is to discuss my plan for unit testing, and how I had to rethink my previous statement of going ‘repository-less’. I
previously discussed the removal of the repository from the framework and using the DbSet functionality in the EF context as the repository pattern. This worked really well, until I decided to do some unit tests.
I decided to use a mocking library in my unit tests specifically to ensure I was performing appropriately isolated tests, and to reduce the impact of managing test data. I had previously looked at Moles (Microsoft stubbing tool), but it always seemed so cumbersome and confusing, so I picked up Moq instead. I really like the Moq usage pattern, and so I thought it would be a good fit.
So, the plan was to use Moq to create mocks of the repository functions that act in predictable and repeatable ways, which means we can run the service and test that the service behaves as we expect.
An example is given below – in this example I created a service to get a list of ‘stations’ from the dependent application. Since I am testing my service, I want to Mock the dependent application service to act predictably, so I can ensure that my service acts the way I want it to (we are not performing end-to-end integration testing, so we don’t want to rely on the dependent application succeeding or failing at this point)
//when we call ‘GetStations’ with a parameter of 0, our mocked service throws an exception – I know the dependent service reacts in this way, so I can ensure this is integrated in my test
_samsServiceMoq.Setup(x => x.GetStations(0)).Throws();
//when we call ‘GetStations’ with a parameter of -1, our mocked service returns no results
_samsServiceMoq.Setup(x => x.GetStations(-1)).Returns(new List());
//when we call ‘GetStations’ with a parameter of 1, our mocked service returns a list with one item in it
_samsServiceMoq.Setup(x => x.GetStations(1)).Returns(new List() { new Unit(){ UnitID = "100" } });
UserService target = new
UserService(_samsServiceMoq.Object); //create an instance of my service, and pass in the mocked dependent service
List actual1;
List actual2;
List actual3;
actual1 = target.GetStations(-1); //execute the service method with the specified parameter
actual2 = target.GetStations(1); //execute the service method with the specified parameter
actual3 = target.GetStations(0); //execute the service method with the specified parameter
//check whether the mocked service methods were called in the execution of our tests – this is useful to ensure that your service method is calling the expected mocked method with the expected parameters.
//check the results from the service to ensure they match what you expect (based on the response from the mocked service)
Assert.AreEqual(0, actual1.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(1, actual2.Count);
Assert.AreEqual("100", actual2[0].UnitID);
Assert.AreEqual(0, actual3.Count);
The above example shows how you can configure a test without worrying about the dependent services, so you can test only the functionality in your service. You will also note that the service itself needs to be designed so that all dependencies are passed to the service, instead of created in the service (this is a key point in ensuring testability of components, all dependencies must be passed to the object). If we did not do this, we could never mock the dependent service, which means we would need to set up the test to ensure the dependent service responds appropriately (configure the dependency, and know/configure sample data that the dependency will respond to).
This works really well, I can test my (admittedly very simple) service without caring about configuring the dependent service. However doing the same thing on an EF repository instead of the dependent service does not work so well. The code below should work, but doesn’t due to limitations in EF/C#/Moq.
_hydrantDbSetMoq.Setup(x => x.ToList()).Returns(new List() { new Hydrant() });
HydrantService service = new HydrantService(_hydrantContextMoq.Object);
List actual;
actual = service.GetHydrantList();
Assert.IsTrue(actual.Count == 1);
Here I am mocking my DbContext to return a mocked IDbSet, and mocking the IDbSet.ToList() to return a list of Hydrants with 1 item. This way I can test my service so that calling getHydrantList on my service returns the single length list. Unfortunately, IDbSet.ToList() is not a mockable method (it is actually an extension method) which means it is not possible to set up a mock for this method. Since my service is using this method, I cannot test my service in isolation of the database.
This is where the Repository comes in. Instead of using the IDbSet.ToList() directly, I would use a Repository GetAll() method which abstracts the call to the underlying DbSet method. As the repository is just another dependency on the service, we can mock this instead of the EF IDbSet, and hence have an appropriately testable service. We will also then have the ability to ensure that the repository supports the null object pattern, so a call to the IDbSet that may return null (such as a find() with an invalid key) can return an appropriate null object to the service, so the service, and all clients, know it will never receive a null as the result of a service operation.
So, big backtrack on the framework repository, and big kudos to Moq for making testing easier (at least for my simple examples so far).